SSS Forms - Download Online Documents and Read Our Guide in Using Them

SSS forms come in many types. It depends on your specific need as a paying, regular, inactive or new social security member in the Philippines. If you need to download any of the forms whether to avail or apply for a claim, benefit, new account, SSS ID, disability, sickness, SSS static contribution inquiry, notification, maternity, reimbursement, ECC , paternity benefit claim, contribution remittance and loan payment form for banks, authorized payment centers and bayad centers near you (so you know where to pay SSS loan) and more.

Whatever you need to process, claim, avail or inquire about, the SSS provides a specific downloadable form for their related services to members. Just hover and click on a link below to view information regarding a service and corresponding form and to download it or visit the nearest branch in your area .

Download SSS Forms or Read More Information and Where & How To Use It

Where to Get Forms if You Can't Download It

Since I personally know that many Filipinos still doesn't have access to internet or know how to actually download a form from the Social Security System website, here is a guide on where to get any of the forms I have listed above. Being 18 years old, I am also new to all of them but initially, I will be applying for my own SSS number and ID so I will absolutely need to know which form to use to apply for a new account.

Since I am well versed with online system, inquiry and how to search for what I need using Google, I though why not share it here so others can also benefit from my knowledge. I also asked my tatay Sam and nanay Ana about some information and common terms and forms which people are usually looking for when they search online or the SSS website. By the way, please don't make a mistake typing the wrong SSS web address (URL) in your browser.