Marriage Licenses

A couple that intends to be married in Texas must apply in person for a marriage license at a Texas County Clerk's Office. Both the bride and the groom, in the presence of the County Clerk, must sign the application for a license. There are a few exceptions as noted in the Texas Statutes.


Premarital Education Course

Texas now encourages free marriage education classes around the state for premarital couples. The classes are at least 8 hours long and after completing the class, you will get a certificate that you can take to your County Clerk when applying for your marriage license. To find a class visit the Twogether in Texas Website.

The cost for a formal marriage license is $82.00. If proof of state approved pre-marital counseling is provided, $60.00 will be deducted from the costs. An additional $100.00 will be charged if proof of Texas residency is not provided.

There must be at least 72 hours between the time of issuance of a license and the time the ceremony occurs unless one applicant is on active duty in the armed forces, or completion of a marriage education class; or a waiver is granted. A waiver may only be waived by a County or District Judge.

A marriage license is valid for 90 days, so with the 72-hour waiting period, there is an 87-day period in which the marriage ceremony can take place. The license is valid in any county in Texas.

Remote Marriage License Applications

The Chambers County Clerk's Office is happy to offer marriage license applications remotely. The same basic requirements listed above are needed to apply remotely.

More detailed information can be found by visiting the Remote Marriage Licensing website.

For any questions, please contact the Clerk's Office at 409-267-2418.

After the Wedding

The license will need to be mailed or brought back to the County Clerk's office. The license will be recorded in public records and will be returned to you in 10 to 12 days.